Monday, May 6, 2013

The Peoples of Festral (Elves)


Races: Oglandadorian, Rumenish

Languages: Shadespeak, Leveros

Cities: Oglandador, Rumenor

Religions: Havish

Sentience: High

Attributes: Elves were banished to the caves of Oglandador after losing the war to the humans and dwarves. Accommodating to their new living space, elves grew shorter and fairer than they once were. While they originally hailed from Rumenor as a tall, tan, and dark-haired race, the elves grew light and pale--eventually gaining a white and silvery hair color. While some of the elves are still born with some of the qualities of their ancestors, most have completely succumbed to these changes. The elves are the only race who clearly remember the war that banished them to Oglandador, and their pain runs deep. This causes them to try and find humor in all situations, and has thusly produced a race of troublesome pranksters.

Lifestyle: Before the elves were banished, they lived life among the rock, and used the treasures of the earth to decorate and display their bodies. After moving to Oglandador, the elves forgot this art but were forced to retain their knowledge on stonework in order to cut through the rock that would serve as their prison. This is clear upon seeing their magnificent city. The dome they have carved for Oglandador is peculiar. While its maximum height reaches hundreds of feet high, the edges of the city's dome drop dramatically in order to prevent unwanted intrusions. The elves rely on redlight and bluefire in order to see throughout the day and night, respectively. Due to their playful nature, elves are excellent at getting out of sticky situations, but are oddly accustomed to political matters. They follow a very thorough and structured order of law and hierarchy that they deem indispensible.

Notable Elves of Importance: Yyvellian Arvan Jzork (a Oglandadorian explorer of Rumenish design)

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